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Destiny 2 The Dawning 2023 Recipes List

Here are all the recipes you can craft in The Dawning 2023 event in Destiny 2.

First Published December 13, 2023, 10:26

Every year, Destiny 2's annual winter event, The Dawning, comes around to spread festivities in the Tower and among its many residents. In The Dawning 2023 everyone's favorite grandma, Eva Levante, returns yet again with an all-new event card, new bounties, new rewards, and more.

Like every year, you will also spend a lot of time baking cookies and other festive items for Destiny 2's many NPCs. As such, we have gathered a Dawning 2023 recipe list alongside the ingredients you will need to craft them. 

The Dawning 2023 Recipes List

Bungie has added no new recipes in this year's Dawning event. 

Below are all the Dawning 2023 recipes in Destiny 2: 

  • Ascendant Oatmeal Raisin Cookies (for Eris Morn) - Chitin Powder, Finishing Touch
  • Bittersweet Biscotti (for Crow) - Dark Ether Cane, Balanced Flavours
  • Blueberry Crumblers (for Shaw Han) - Ether Cane, Bullet Spray
  • Bright-Dusted Snowballs (for Tess Everis) - Chitin Powder, Multifaceted Flavours
  • Chocolate Ship Cookies (for Amanda Holiday) - Cabal Oil, Null Taste
  • Classic Butter Cookie (for Eva Levante) - Taken Butter, Superb Texture
  • Dark Chocolate Motes (for The Drifter) - Taken Butter, Null Taste
  • Eliksni Birdseed (for Hawthorne) - Ether Cane, Personal Touch
  • Etheric Coldsnaps (for Variks) - Chitin Powder, Electric Flavour
  • Gentleman's Shortbread (for Devrim Kay) - Ether Cane, Perfect Taste
  • Gjallardoodles (for Zavala) - Ether Cane, Delicious Explosion
  • Hot Crossfire Buns (for Ada-1) - Ether Cane, Balanced Flavours
  • III-Fortune Cookies (for Petra Venj) - Dark Ether Cane, Impossible Heat
  • Infinite Forest Cake (for Failsafe) - Vex Milk, Impossible Heat
  • Lavender Ribbon Cookies (for Saint-14) - Vex Milk, Personal Touch
  • Lucent Crunch (for Fynch) - Chitin Powder, Perfect Taste
  • Starwort Thins (for Exo Strange) - Dark Ether Cane, Dark Frosting
  • Strange Cookies (Xur) - Taken Butter, Electric Flavour
  • Telemetry Tapioca (Banshee-44) - Vex Milk, Bullet Spray
  • Traveler Donut Holes (Ikora Rey) - Cabal Oil, Flash of Inspiration
  • Vanilla Blades (Shaxx) - Cabal Oil, Sharp Flavour

That's all the Destiny 2 Dawning Recipes 2023.

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Shreyansh Katsura

Written by Shreyansh Katsura

Shrey's obsession with analyzing, introspecting, and discussing every minute detail of video games brought him to game journalism. He's currently a staff writer at GINX Esports TV, where he covers Destiny 2 and Fortnite on a regular basis. When he's not playing the games he's writing about, he's agonizing over his painstakingly long list of JRPGs he can't find time to finish. You can catch him on Twitter @Shrey2828, flexing his Fortnite's Victory Royales or talking about this group of phantom thieves he calls his best friends.

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