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The Untold Truth Of Comedian Mitch Hedberg

Tragically, Mitch Hedberg eventually died after a fatal mix of heroin and cocaine. Perhaps the worst part of it is that he knew he had a problem, but rather than kick the habit, he attempted to moderate it.

Hedberg was arrested for possession in May 2003, which is often a wake-up call for people to stop what they're doing, or at least try to. Mitch Hedberg had other ideas. In a 2004 interview with Las Vegas Weekly, Hedberg claimed he was going to do much less, so people couldn't associate him with drugs anymore. As he said, "You can't do copious amounts of drugs and stay alive ... so not all drug use has tapered off ... but I've learned just to stay under the radar." Basically, his plan was to moderate his drug use and not talk about it so much. Everyone would be happy, right? He also thought it might help his career, theorizing during that interview that since he got arrested for drugs once, any mistake he makes in the future will get blamed on drugs. So, to make himself look better, he was planning to do less drugs and be really quiet about the ones he did do.

He died a year later — due to drugs — so unfortunately, his plan didn't work.
