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What to Do With Gyroids in 'Animal Crossing: New Horizons'

Since gyroids were introduced to 'New Horizons' in the 2.0 update, players have been getting creative in decorating their homes with them.

Sara Belcher - Author

Since the 2.0 update, Animal Crossing players have been returning to their islands, redesigning their homes and layouts with some of the new content that was added to the update.

The update also brought gyroids to the game — an addition longtime fans of the franchise have been asking for since the game's release. But with 36 different types (and more than 100 variations), what do you do with the gyroids in New Horizons?

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What to do with gyroid fragments — plant them to get gyriods.

Following the 2.0 update, you can find gyroid fragments either on one of the mystery islands that Kapp'n will take you to or washed up on your shores. These fragments are the key to getting new gyroids. All you have to do is plant them in the ground (anywhere on your island will do) and water them.

Once you water the gyroid fragment, it'll emit smoke, indicating that it's been watered. The next day, revisit that dig spot and dig it up to find a fully formed gyroid.

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Sometimes, you may also find gyroids in the dig spots around your island a day after its rained or snowed. That being said, if you're looking to collect all of the different types of gyroids, you'll want to collect gyroid fragments and grow them yourself.

What do you do with gyroids in 'Animal Crossing'? TikToker have some fun ideas.

Gyroids don't have a real purpose in New Horizons, other than for decoration. In previous iterations of Animal Crossing games, players could store their gyroids at The Roost with Brewster. The aloof pigeon has a collection of gyroids himself (that you can see in the back room of The Roost) and is known to be very fond of them across all of the previous games.

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Each gyroid behaves slightly differently, making different voices or movements depending on its type. In New Horizons, when you turn them on, they will sync themselves to whatever music is playing in the room.

In previous games, at most eight gyroids could be turned on in one room at a time, but in New Horizons, players can turn on as many gyroids in one room as they please — which can make for some chaos depending on how big your collection is.

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They can be placed on surfaces, on the floor, or on the wall in your home. For those who don't already know, using the design tool in your home allows you to move objects on a wall so they're behind furniture items that have been pushed up against the wall — leading to some hilarious results.

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New Horizons players on TikTok have been sharing how they've been decorating their homes with gyroids, and they've come up with some creative ideas. If you push a square bathtub into the corner of the room, you can place up to three gyroids so they look like they're taking a bath in the tub.

Some have even found if you place a gyroid on the wall behind a wood-burning stove, the gyroid will appear as though it's inside the stove, seated in the flames. This, of course, causes no harm to the little guy but is a unique way to use them in your home decor.
