Chris Jericho made his mark in pro wrestling before stepping on a rock n roll stage. His band Fozzy and the success with songs like Judas set them apart and put them on the map. Sebastian Bach isn’t a fan.
The Skid Row singer took a shot at Chris Jericho recently. This started quite a back-and-forth between Le Champion and Bach. It started when one fan said that Jericho is starting to look like Sebastian Bach. Jericho replied saying: “Good looking guys are good looking guys. What else can we say dude!”
Bach replied saying: “Every single day for the last two or three years somebody tells me this.” Then when another fan gave Jericho credit for his rock performances, Bach replied with: “He definitely does considering that he mimes to a tape.”
Jericho didn’t appreciate Sebastian Bach saying that he was lip syncing on stage. He fired back with a tweet saying: “I sing my ass off every night dude. Do you really wanna go there?”
After a fan pointed out that Fozzy gets more listens than Skid Row, Jericho made sure that everyone saw that fact. Bach replied saying: “Yeah I starred in a television show called the list on VH1 about 15 years before you posted this meme.” Jericho took the gloves off with his next tweet as he said: “Ok gloves are off. You “starred”…along with 59 other people. Let’s stop this now.” This evolved into another back-and-forth between the two.
Bach: Cool let’s see a clip of that then because every single clip I have seen is Milli vanilli
Jericho: Hi… I’m Chris “Milli Vanilli” Jericho. I have 5 top 30 singles in the last five years w my band @FOZZYROCK. I’m a huge fan of @sebastianbach … who had 3 top 30 singles 30 years ago. I always admired him as a singer and a friend! And I still do.
Jericho then challenged Sebastian Bach to a “sing off.” He said that Sebastian Bach is a good singer, but he’s better. Considering the pull that Chris Jericho has in AEW we can picture this happening on Dynamite eventually.
“I’ve seen the derogatory comments towards me from somebody I considered to be a friend. So with that in mind, I’ll be happy to have a SING OFF w @sebastianbach! No effects, no tuning, no bullshit. Bas is a great singer…but I’m better. You’ve got my number dude. Call me.”
Sebastian Bach wasn’t done yet. He wanted to know what derogatory comment Jericho was talking about. Y2J wasn’t shy about responding either. He also made it clear that he’s not afraid of a sing off with the Skid Row frontman.
Bach: “Where is the derogatory comment? All I asked is to see one single clip of you singing live. Every clip on the Internet is you miming to a tape. I will sing in your f****** face anytime. Wrestling is not rock and roll. I will show you f****** rock and roll.”
Jericho: “I’ve never mimed anything ever! And I don’t use *** in a tweet ever. I will f*cking sing in your face anytime, anyplace dude. I’ve been a fan & a defender of u since day one…but don’t u ever question my rock abilities! And leave wrestling out of this…I can hit a G4 brah!”
This Twitter war was very unexpected. It also proves that pro wrestling isn’t the only volatile industry that Chris Jericho is a part of.
Which side are you on between Sebastian Bach and Chris Jericho? Sound off in the comments below!