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What Actually Happened To Taylor Syring And How Did He Die? Stepmother Laura Day Guilty Of Murder |

Taylor Syring, a six-year-old boy, was drowned to death on October 5, 2012, by her stepmother Laura Day. She has now served nearly ten years of her life sentence.

Taylor Syring spent his last day alive at the beach about two miles south of Bob Hall Pier on a warm Corpus Christi day. Laura Day, the 6-year-old’s stepmother, had taken him to the beach to swim.

Day removed Taylor’s life jacket at some time throughout the day when he eventually drowned.

What Happened To Taylor Syring And How Did He Die?

Taylor Syring, a six-year-old boy died from drowning on October 5, 2012, in Corpus Christi, Texas. Syring’s death appeared at first to be simply another example of a tragedy all too familiar on Texas beaches.

A small kid ventures a little too far out in the surf, a parent becomes preoccupied, and the youngster drowns. But Corpus Christi police were skeptical of Laura Day, Taylor’s 47-year-old stepmother and the only witness to the event on Bob Hall Pier.

According to, Day stated that she picked up her stepson, Taylor, from school in Corpus Christi, Texas, on October 5, 2012. It was a Friday, and Taylor had expressed an interest in going to the beach.

She explained, “He stated he wanted to have a picnic on the beach.” “It was a spur-of-the-moment choice.”

She also told investigators that the beach was crowded that day, so they went to a more remote place to avoid the throng. She said she had put a lifejacket on Taylor and watched him play in the water before removing it because it was causing him a rash.

“It was plainly giving him a rash. “I told her, ‘If you can show me that you’re OK and feel secure enough to dive under the waves and that you’re comfortable, then I’ll let you swim and play in the shallow water without your lifejacket,'” Day explained.

She claimed that when she turned around to return to the shore, Taylor had already gone.

“At first, I didn’t get it. I assumed he’d dove beneath the waves and was swimming, but when he didn’t emerge, I hurried in the water to where he was and he was gone… “And then I saw him floating face down,” Day explained.

“I attempted to expel the water from his lungs.” And it simply wouldn’t come out. I had no idea why. I became terrified. I was also bewildered. “I wasn’t thinking clearly at the time,” she continued.

Day also told cops that instead of dialing 911, she grabbed Taylor, took him to her car, and drove him 12 miles to a hospital. She informed police that she thought paramedics would take too long to arrive, yet Google Maps shows a Corpus Christi fire station less than three miles away from Bob Hall Pier.

She acknowledged to investigators that, despite being a diver and knowing CPR, she did not perform CPR on Syring.

“She did nothing to help my child,” Taylor’s mother, Kelly Syring, said. “I believe she allowed my child to die.”

Day was charged with child endangerment the same day, indicating that Corpus detectives believe that line of thinking has some merit.

Taylor Syring’s Stepmother Laura Day Was Convicted Guilty Of Murder

In the killing of Taylor Syring, his step-mother Laura Day was convicted guilty of capital murder, child harm, and abandoning or endangering a child in June 2013.

After prosecutors declined to pursue the death penalty, she was sentenced to life in jail without the possibility of parole.

When a witness, Rene Ruiz came forward, the case took a turn for the better from the accidental killing. Ruiz claimed to have spotted Day while fishing on the beach the day Taylor died.

“The most disturbing, frightening, revealing thing Rene Ruiz stated was that when she eventually left the beach – remember, she has a dying kid in the back of her car – she waved and smiled at him as she drove off the beach,” former prosecutor Brittany Jensen said.

Prosecutors also claimed that Taylor did not initiate the beach vacation. Investigators discovered Taylor’s clothing in Day’s car, implying that he changed there and that the two never returned home before the beach.

Taylor, according to Day, changed in the car because he needed to complete his food first. They eventually gather evidence from Day’s jail phone conversations with Syring, in which she revealed that she had never returned home after picking up Taylor from school.

While the prosecution proceeded to develop its case, detectives were approached by a drowning expert who investigated the beach conditions on the day Taylor died.

“When Laura Day said Taylor Syring’s body dipped and then rose up 50 yards to the right, the problem was that she was looking in the incorrect direction.”

“Based on the weather, the wind, and everything else that day, it would’ve gone left, not right,” Jensen explained. “It’s quite unlikely she could have found him immediately unless she was right next to him.” Everything was made up.”

Day was found guilty of first-degree capital murder and sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of release after a six-day trial.

Taylor’s father, David Syring was still confident that Day was innocent at the time, and the couple hired a new attorney to handle her case.

Where Is Taylor Syring Killer Now? Is She In Jail?

Laura Day was convicted of capital murder and sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of release in 2013 for the drowning death of her 6-year-old stepson.

She has been serving nearly ten years of her life sentence and insists that the boy’s drowning death on a Texas beach was an accident.

For the time being, Day is waiting to learn if the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals would grant her a new trial.

The couple’s relationship, Syring and Day, is now over. Her husband, Syring stated that he now feels Day is at the right place.

“I feel this is the most severe penalty for her.” “To be in prison,” Syring explained. “She has never expressed regret. She’s never apologized for what she’s done. I feel very silly for being so naive and sticking by her for so long.”

Taylor’s mother, Kelly Syring has been without her kid for over a decade. She stated that she had forgiven what she could.

“I have forgiven Laura.” That doesn’t mean she should be released. Look at that, why should she get away with it? She will spend the rest of her life in jail. “Miserable,” Syring stated.

“As for my ex-husband, I blame him as well.” I do hold him responsible. It’s partially his fault. He was aware of her background.”

According to The Baltimore Sun, when Day was 17, she shot and murdered her lover before shooting herself. According to news reports at the time, her motivation was to ensure that they were buried together.

