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Do you have a dry sense of humor? Here is how you can tell

Many comedians use a dry sense of humor or deadpan to draw their audience's attention to sensitive and vital topics. What is dry sense of humor? It is saying something funny without changing your facial expressions or emotions. It takes some time for the audience to understand the joke's funny side. However, that is how they send their messages home even when few people smile or laugh at the jokes.

Dry humor is not for everyone. Deep thinkers who pay close attention enjoy these types of jokes more than anyone else. Most adults use dry sarcasm while advising the younger generation to create a less serious atmosphere. Dry humor helps adults to avoid making advice feel like a lecture or a comedy session.

How do you know you have deadpan humor?

You might not know you have it, but you have certainly used a dry sense of humor countless times. People love listening to you because something funny always escapes your mouth, and you do not have control over it.

Dry sense of humor characteristics

There is a difference between senseless jokes and dry humor. Watch out if your jokes do not excite people because you might be telling them silly jokes or displaying arrogance in the name of dry humor. How do you know you are a deadpan comedian? Here are the characteristics of someone with dry humor:

  • You use common words and phrases that people easily understand.
  • You rarely use facial expressions, props or body language to make your jokes interesting.
  • You blatantly state absurd facts, which makes it hard for people to laugh.
  • Most people consider you to be rude because they do not get your jokes.
  • You add sarcasm and irony to your jokes.

Dry sense of humor jokes

Do you have a dry sense of humor quiz, or would you love to know if you have it? Find out on HowstuffworksPlay. Now that you understand what is dry humor, reading a few of them will be great, right? Here are ten dry sense of humor examples and how people interpret them:

1. Be grateful

I felt sad because I lacked shoes until I asked a lady I could not see lacked legs, “Got any shoes you’re not using?”

Meaning: Appreciate and be contented with what you have.

2. Common sense is essential

We experienced a power outage at a shopping mall yesterday. Thirty people were trapped on the escalators.

Meaning: Use your common sense in emergencies. Some people could have used the stairs.

3. True love

Would I rather be feared or loved? Easy, both. I want people to be afraid of how much they love me.

Meaning: You won’t ask people to appreciate or reciprocate your love if you treat them right.

4. Poor education system

I love these kids and didn’t want them to fall victims to the system. Therefore, I promised to take care of their college education if they graduated from high school. That was the most generous of all the empty promises I have made in my life.

Meaning: Youths cannot progress in their education because the government is proud of its false sponsorship promises.

5. Overcome your fears

I moved because someone told me half of all car accidents happen a mile away from my house.

Meaning: Humans are so fearful these days because they listen to many useless statistics. How do car accidents happening a mile away affect the person’s home?

6. Social media's effect on people

I forgot to post on Instagram while saving the drowning baby. Now all this kindness has gone to waste.

Meaning: Do not always seek validation from social media. You are still a hero even when no one knows what you have done.

7. The role of the rich in society

Watching billionaires give each other golden statutes solves all economic problems.

Meaning: The wealthy should focus on the poor more than themselves because they would not be rich if the poor did not exist.

8. Setting priorities

“Darling, can you pick up Pizza? I have been busy pinning nutritious recipes for our family all day.”

Meaning: Set your priorities right. The lady should have spent the time she used to pin recipes on cooking if she honestly wanted her family to have nutritious meals.

9. Save yourself if you can

A cop stopped me and asked, ‘Why were you going so fast?’ I replied, ‘I was not over speeding, Sir. My foot pushed the accelerator down, which sent more gas to the engine. The whole car just took right off, and the steering wheel kept steering it.”

Meaning: Do not always take the blame when caught on the wrong side. Try your luck, play smart, and you might worm your way out of trouble.

10. The chaos on social media

No, I don’t watch soap operas because I am on Facebook. There is a new episode after every five minutes.

Meaning: People are looking for real-life drama on social media to amuse themselves because television series are scripted. Therefore, be cautious of what you post.

Avoid using any offensive dry sense of humor to please your audience. It is also your responsibility to ensure that your jokes do not spark outrage from your audience, or else you will lose them.

READ ALSO: Top 50 hilarious short people jokes that will crack your ribs

People joke about the same things over and over because they get funnier each time. Short people jokes have existed for centuries. They are not meant to mock short people but to lighten people's moods.

Would you love to read something funny today? We published a list of 50 hilarious short people jokes that will crack your ribs. You have heard many jokes but these. Take a look at them and share them with your loved ones.
