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PHONE hacked | Android Central

Does anyone phone why my phone app has so many permissions most I cannot deny due to them being grayed out These are just under my phone app permissions on my s20. I suspect I have been hacked for a long time now. This is just 1 or 100 issues. Can anyone help? 1) accessibility 2) App linker 3) call recorder 4) camera x2 5) ClipboardSaveService 6) 7) 8) 9) com.sec.epdg 10) configuration update 11) contact x2 12) Mode 13) Duo 14) Galaxy Store x2 15) Google 16) Google play store x2 17) HwMobileTest 18) IMS Logger 19) Knox Push Manager 20) MTP Application 21) My Files x2 22) OMADM 22) Security Log Agent 23) SEM Factory App 24) Service Mode 25 Settings 26) Setup Wizard?
