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WWF was just pissed that WCW had all the star-power, all the big draws and WWF had nothing left but a bunch of mid-carders so they started mocking WCW talent by making promos etc.

1996 was the lowest point in WWF. They had very little star power at that point and most fueds sucked. The whole "New Generation Era" focused on the age of wrestlers which in my opinion hurt Wrestling as a whole. WWF/WWE made this image in many fans mind that a Wrestler can only wrestle till the 40s and after that they should retire. If a person can still compete then why not.


Well, I dont know if WWE created the idea that "Wrestlers should retire when they hit 40" - in the last 10 years they milked the hell out of HHH, HBK, Taker, & Flair, all guys who saw 40 more than a decade ago.

I think you are right the WWE was upset that WCW had the star power at this time and was trying to find ways to make them seem less relevant. WCW ratings started tickling upwards noticeably in 1994, before Hogan arrived, then continued upwards to a place where the companies were essentially tied from that point until the NWO angle debuted.

Some people think that the NG era was bad because Vince was preoccupied with the Federal Investigatio into steroids, not paying as much attention to his product. That may be partly to blame, also it's hard to just CREATE stars, you just cant take anyone you want and get the audience to believe in them as superstar main eventers. Just like in sports, not everyone can hit as well as Albert Pujols, no matter who you surround them with or where you bat them in the lineup. You can help a guy, make him more productive, but natural talent eventually gives way. WWE was trying a lot of new characters and trying to elevate a lot of guys into main event caliber status, it just wasnt working. Hart was a well known commodity from the 80s and he worked hard, he benefited from the lack of star power around him but considering what he had to work with, he did well. The NG era did elevate HBK to star status, and Kevin Nash, and to a lesser extent Scott Hall, a guy who bounced around the circuit for several years without really catching on. WCW relied heavily on Hogan, Flair, Savage, Sting, Arn Anderson, Luger, but did very little to attempt to elevate or create new stars, mostly relying on those guys facing each other all the time. It was more appealling than watching Hart face Isaac Yankem but while WWE was failing to create new top guys WCW for the most part wasnt trying. This is when Undertaker took off and became a legit main eventer as well.

Realistically, HHH, Rock, & Stone Cold all came in during the NG era, we forget that and basicaly say they were a part of the following promotional era, "Attitude" - certainly they were a big part of that but they were all guys linked to the NG era, they just hit their stride when WWE changed their booking style. Lets not forget HBK & Taker were a big part of "Attitude" as well. With HHH, Rock, & Austin WWE found their Superstars, if those guys had all hit their mark in 1994 maybe we'd look at that era differently for WWE.

As far as who was more entertaining 93-96, I was watching WCW a lot more. I dont know if it was really that much better but they did have all the guys who were top stars and at least those matches appealed to me more than what WWE was doing most of that time.
